
小さな日常に潜む怠惰と向き合うために。極端な暇に苛まれたとき、思い出してみてください。Hi there! I'm going to be uploading lots of info and pointless blog here.so If you need to get some rest,check my pages!stay tuned:)

What can you see? isn't it such a good deal?

First of all, I am not sure how to describe the actual box. I didn't even know what was inside....


By the way, the meaning of this keywords as you can see was evolution.

The contents below is copied from the dictionary.

the scientific idea that plants and animals develop and change gradually over a long period of time

And I'm like just day dreaming🙃

Back to the topic,this is actual the liquor which made of grapes in Italy.

You know what it is.this is a Grappa of Brandy.


It seems like a cigar decorated with fancy box.From left to right,


Just a normal


Aged in Cherry barrels


This is the premium grappa especially aged bunch of barrels at least 5years. Then, also this grappa aged in oak barrel in the middle.

More strongly,but More elegantly,ever I drunk.

You definitely have to try these liquors.



Enjoy your time.!!!